Friday 7 August 2009

I`m too lazy to write so I post more pictures

That was one really sick hill.

The views were awesome on the coast of Iwate though the roads were horribly hard

When I asked if the board is weatherproof, I ment it. I was looking pretty much same.

This is the main reason i keep bitchin about rain. I mean yeah, it is uncomfortable and it makes my stuff wet and heavy. But the worst part is what it does to my feet. You know how your feet and hands are all wrinkly and soft after a bath? Well that happens in the rain too. And when I`m skating with my feet like that, they develop hideous blisters and generaly hurt a lot. There is also high risk of infections.

Sometimes rain is nice because you can find company while taking shelter. Here is a cat (I was requested for more cat pictures) whom with I shared a dry spot and a can of macrell while waiting for the rain to end.


  1. On hauskaa käydä aina satunnaisesti kuikuilemassa miten homma etenee. Big up koko reissusta!

  2. What brand on your board? and wheels

  3. Mr. Jim, sorry, I didn't notice your comment earlier.

    The board is a hand made Powder Flower from Finland. I use Cult wheels, Death Rays and Gamma Rays, depending on terrain.
